(Please email info@southbayview.ca if you have not been added yet.)
Food & Drink
- Amaya Express http://www.amayaexpress.com
- Bagel House http://www.thebagelhouse.ca
- Baskin-Robbins http://www.baskinrobbins.ca
- Big Man's Pizza http://www.bigmanspizza.ca
- California Roll http://www.californiaroll.ca
- (New!) Captain's Boil http://www.thecaptainsboil.com/
- Chocolate Messenger http://www.chocolatemessenger.com
- Cobs Bread http://www.cobsbread.ca
- Cumbrae's Farm-Raised Meats http://www.cumbraes.com
- De La Mer Fresh Fish Market http://www.delamer.ca
- Dolce & Gourmando http://www.dolcegourmando.com
- Duff's Famous Wings http://www.duffsfamouswings.ca
- Epi Breads http://www.epibreads.ca
- Fukui Sushi http://www.fukuisushi.ca
- Hero Burger http://www.heroburgers.com
- Hollywood Gelato http://www.hollywoodgelato.ca
- (New!) Indian Street Food Co. http://www.indianstreetfoodco.com/
- Kamasutra Indian Restaurant & Wine Bar http://www.thekamasutrarestaurant.com
- L'Avenue http://www.lavenuebistro.com
- LCBO http://www.lcbo.com
- Lemongrass http://www.lemongrass.ca
- LIT Espresso Bar http://www.litespressobar.com
- McDowell’s valu-mart http://www.valumart.ca
- McSorleys Wonderful Saloon http://www.mcsorleys.ca
- Olive Oil Emporium http://www.oliveoilemporium.com
- Original's Ale House http://originalsalehouse.com/
- Pâtisserie la Cigogne http://www.patisserielacigogne.com
- Pizza Pizza http://www.pizzapizza.ca
- Rahier Patisserie http://www.rahierpatisserie.com
- Refuel Juice & Salad Bar http://www.refuelbars.ca
- Riz http://www.rizrestaurantandcatering.com
- Rowe Farms http://www.rowefarms.ca
- Satay on the Road http://www.satayontheroad.com
- Second Cup http://www.secondcup.com
- Starbucks http://www.starbucks.ca
- Subway http://www.subway.com
- Tinto Bar de Tapas http://www.tintobardetapas.com
- Tokyo Sushi http://www.tokyosushi1.com
- Vero Trattoria http://www.verotrattoria.com
- Wild Wing http://www.bestchickenwings.com
- Academy of Culinary Arts www.academyofculinaryarts.net/
- B to B Maternity www.btobmaternity.com
- Bayview-Manor Appliances http://www.ypca.combayviewmanorappliances/
- Benjamin-Moore Leaside Paint Centre http://www.leasidepaintcentre.com
- Butter Studio http://www.butterstudio.ca
- Chess Security Group http://chesssecurity.com
- Cornflower Blue http://www.cornflowerblue.ca
- Dolce & Gourmando http://www.dolcegourmando.com
- Dolly Jewellers www.dollyjewellers.com
- (New!) Eden Medicinal Society http://myeden.ca
- Elegant Garage Sale http://elegantgaragesale.com
- Eye Spectrum http://www.eyespectrum.ca/
- Flower Nook http://www.flowernook.ca
- Flower Plus Inc. http://www.flowerplusonbayview.com
- Horticultural Design Inc. http://www.horticulturaldesign.com
- MacFAB http://www.macfabfabrics.com
- Millwood Shoe Repair http://www.millwoodshoe.ca
- Mode Suzan http://www.modesuzan.com
- Modella Ladieswear http://www.modellastores.com
- Moms to be...and More http://www.momstobeandmore.com
- MUST Boutique http://www.facebook.com/mustboutique
- Parallele Interiors http://www.paralleleinteriors.com
- Paws & Claws http://www.pncstores.ca
- Peaches & Green http://www.peachesandgreen.com
- Ron White Shoes http://www.ronwhiteshoes.com
- Scholar's Choice http://www.scholarschoice.ca
- Shoppers Drug Mart http://www.shoppersdrugmart.ca
- Sport Swap http://www.sportswap.com
- State of the Art Gallery & Framing http://www.stateoftheartgallery.ca
- Tajo Shoes http://tajoshoes.com
- The Merchant of Tennis http://www.merchantoftennis.com
- The Smokin' Cigar http://www.smokincigar.com
- The Source Menswear http://www.thesourcemenswear.com
- Tutti Violini http://www.tuttiviolini.com
- Tzatz http://www.tzatz.ca
- Vizio Eyewear http://vizioeyewear.com
- (New!) West Coast Kids http://www.westcoastkids.ca/
- Write Impressions http://www.write-impressions.ca
Professional Services & More!
- 83 Voice http://www.83voice.com
- Adrian Holmes Photography http://www.holmesphoto.com
- (New!) Artistic Hair Lounge http://www.artistichairlounge.com/
- Balanced Paws (Petsitting/Daycare) http://www.balancedpaws.ca
- Ballroom on Bayview Dance Studio http://ballroomonbayview.com
- Bamboo Bay • Art • Craft • Play http://www.bamboobay.ca
- Bayview Chiropractic Health Centre http://www.bayviewchiropractic.com
- Bayview Dental Care - Dr. Simpson http://www.drsimpson.org/
- Bayview Leaside BIA http://www.bayviewleasidebia.com/
- Big Stretch Yoga Centre http://www.bigstretchyoga.com
- BMO Financial Group http://www.bmo.com
- Bonnie Byford Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage http://www.bonniebyford.com
- Breakout Studios (formerly Loots Lounge) http://www.breakouttheparty.com
- Breathe Pilates Studio http://www.breathepilates.ca
- Bursting into Life http://www.burstingintolife.com
- Chocolate Tanning http://www.chocolatetanning.com
- CIBC http://www.cibc.ca
- Echopuncture http://www.echopuncture.com
- (New!) Exfolier Rejuvene Lounge https://www.facebook.com/Exfolier-rejuvene-cosmetics
- Fiorio Salon http://www.fiorio.com
- GayleForce Fitness http://www.gayleforce.ca
- Glow Spa http://www.glowspa.ca
- Green P Parking http://parking.greenp.com
- Gymkats http://www.gymkats.ca
- Hearthstone Management http://www.hearthstone-management.ca
- Humphrey Funeral Home / A.W. Miles Chapel http://www.humphreymiles.com
- Leaside Animal Clinic http://www.leasideanimalclinic.com
- Leaside Driving School http://www.leasidedriving.com
- Leaside Family Eyecare (&Vizio Eyewear) http://www.leasideeyeclinic.com
- Leaside Orthodontics Centre http://leasideorthodonticcentre.ca
- Leonard Tam Professional Corporation (Accountant) http://www.leonardtam.com
- Lift Fitness Studio http://liftfitness.ca
- Midtown Orthodontics http://www.midtownorthodontics.ca
- (New!) North Movement Studio http://northmovementstudio.ca/
- Parkers Custom Clothing Care http://www.parkersdrycleaners.com
- Perri and Palmacci Hair Company http://www.pandphaircompany.com
- Polaris Learning Centre http://polarislearning.ca
- Puregress Med Spa www.puregress.com
- QBS Architects Inc. http://qbsarchitects.com
- Re/Max Ultimate Realty Inc. http://www.remaxultimate.com
- Royal Bank of Canada http://www.rbc.com
- Scotiabank http://www.scotiabank.com
- SportClips http://www.sportclips.ca
- St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church http://www.stcuthbertsleaside.com
- Stainton, Murray & Lam - Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries http://www.staintonmurray.com
- StudySpot Educational Services Inc. http://www.studyspot.ca
- Surani Clinic - Medical Aesthetics http://suraniclinic.ca
- Tails Up Dog Grooming http://www.tailsup.ca
- TD Canada Trust http://www.tdcanadatrust.com
- The South Bayview Bulldog (Blog) http://southbayview.blogspot.com
- The Ten Spot Beauty Bar http://the10spot.com
- Toronto Hapkido Academy http://www.torontohapkido.com
- (New!) Vital Bloom Acupuncture & Wellness http://vitalbloomwellness.com/